The Ancient Spanish Monastery Foundation Jazz at the Monastery 2018

6:00pm Thursday, February 8, 2018
Jazz up your Valentine's Day!
Singles, Couples, Friends - All are Welcome!

Please join us for a spectacular evening under the stars at our 2018 Jazz at the Monastery soiree on Thursday, February 8th at 6:00pm. All proceeds from the event fund the Foundation's ongoing preservation efforts. For additional information or questions, please contact or call 219-670-1066.
2018 Jazz at the Monastery Sponsorship Packages
Title Sponsor $5,000
The Company or Individual will receive eight (8) VIP tickets. Signage at the event in four locations. All event promotional materials including electronic flyers, website signage and Jazz Program will prominently display the Company or Individual as the Title Sponsor. Press availability. Recognition from the podium and an opportunity to speak at the event. Personal "meet & greet" with featured jazz artists. Front row Premier Seating.
Blue Note Sponsor $2,000
The Company or Individual will receive four (4) VIP tickets. Signage at the event in two locations. All event promotional materials including electronic flyers, website signage and Jazz Program will prominently display the Company or Individual as a Blue Note Sponsor. Acknowledgement from stage as Blue Note presenting sponsor. Personal "meet & greet" with featured jazz artists. Premier Seating.
Cotton Club Sponsor $1,000
The Company or Individual will receive two (2) VIP tickets. All event promotional materials including electronic flyers, website signage and Jazz Program will prominently display the Company or Individual as a Cotton Club Sponsor. Personal "meet & greet" with featured jazz artists. Reserved seating.
Saxophone Sponsor $500
The Company or Individual will receive two (2) General Admission tickets. All event promotional materials including electronic flyers, website signage and Jazz Program will prominently display the Company or Individual as a Saxophone Sponsor. Preferred seating.
Gift In-Kind Sponsor
Contact Joyce Davis for more information 219-670-1066.
Contact Joyce Davis for Sponsorship Opportunities 219-670-1066